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9 Point Florida Trust Beneficiary Checklist – And 1 Warning

If you are a qualified beneficiary of the Trust, you have important information and accounting rights. Take this quick test. Did the Trustee advise you of:

  1. The Trustee’s name and address within 60 days after the Trustee accepted the Trustee duties?
  2. Your right to request a copy of the Trust?
  3. Your right to an accounting of Trustee assets, income, and expenses? See F.S.736.08135.
  4. How the value of the Trust assets have been determined? Has the Trustee engaged neutral appraisers to value the land, business or other assets?
  5. All cash and property transactions?
  6. The compensation paid to the Trustee?
  7. The compensation paid to the Trustee’s attorney, CPA and other agents?
  8. Other Trust expenses?
  9. A plan for distribution of Trust assets?

Warning: Do not rely upon the Trustee’s attorney to advise you of your fair share of the Trust assets as many trusts are complex, sometimes ambiguous, and may be open to multiple interpretations. Remember: the Trustee’s attorney represents the Trustee, not you. Consult a Florida Trust Attorney before you sign anything.

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