In today’s litigation flooded society, virtually anyone can be a target of a lawsuit – you do not need to be in a high risk profession such as a physician or dentist. Examples are many: your adult child is involved in a car accident that seriously injures another person; your dog bites your neighbor; a worker fixing your roof falls off and has permanent back injury.
In this risky legal environment, your lifetime of savings, your nest egg that you plan to have for retirement needs to be fully protected. It is important to consult with an experienced Weston asset protection attorney when the waters are quit - before any lawsuit is filed.
If you have a business, you need to protect yourself from personal liability because a good personal injury attorney will usually try to pierce your corporate veil and sue you directly.
Many Strong Laws To Help Protect You – If You Act TimelyThe good news is Florida - and other states - have excellent laws to protect your hard earned savings and business. When we begin our asset protection analysis we first need to get a complete listing of all your major assets. These assets will generally fall into two categories: assets protected by Florida law and those that are not; these are the Exposed Assets.
Assets protected by Florida law include first and foremost your homestead, which is your Florida home. This house must be titled in your name (or your living trust) and be your primary residence. Florida has the strongest laws of virtually any state to protect your homestead. Other assets protected by Florida law include your IRA, 401k, life insurance, annuities, 529 plan, and Florida Prepaid College Fund.
Exposed assets – ones that creditors like to pursue - are real estate and non-qualified investments. The lowest of the low hanging fruit are rental properties because such assets can be liened and they will not disappear over the night. Here are some strategies.
Asset Protection StrategiesGood asset protection can help turn assets that would otherwise be attractive to creditors into very unattractive assets. As Weston asset protection attorneys, we call this the Porcupine effect: If a creditor tries to attack your assets you want them to see a Porcupine, and hopefully force the creditor to abandon its attack or at least settle within policy limits of any insurance policy in place.