
Florida Trust & Probate Attorneys Blog


Asset Protection Checklist For Florida Physicians In A Group Practice

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq.* Action Item Done 1.      No weak links.  Each physician in group has personal creditor protection plan.  The goal is to have no exposed assets for plaintiff malpractice attorney to attack forcing plaintiff to settle within insurance policy limits.   See points 2-5 below. 2.      Each physician…



By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney* Action Item Done Homestead is under ½ acre if in municipality; if not in municipality then under 160 acres Note: Consider leaving mortgage on property – even if not necessary – as excellent asset protection option.  The mortgage can be paid down to…


4 Take-Away Points To Know Under Florida’s New LLC Law

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney Florida’s new LLC statute that became effective this past January 1, 2015 made fundamental changes in the state’s limited liability company laws.   These changes are so basic that we recommend that you should have a Miami asset protection attorney review all LLC’s…


 7 Point Auto Accident Checklist

Note: Keep In Your Car Glove Compartment in Case You are in an Auto Accident Safety first. Move to a safe location.  If there are any injuries or property damage call 911 immediately. Stay calm. Focus on task at hand documenting the accident.  Be courteous but don’t admit fault.  An…


Our Real Estate Services – and 3 Important Tips

A big focus of our practice is helping our clients better protect their real estate investments.  However, some of our clients are surprised to learn that our legal services extend beyond real estate asset protection.  Here is a short list of our real estate services: –           Purchase or Sale of…


Beware of Creditor Harassment Upon Death of Your Spouse or Family Member

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. and Jacqueline R. Bowden, Esq. In Florida, when you die, your debts remain in your estate – and are not transferred to a surviving spouse or family member.  However, this simple legal concept does not stop some creditors from harassing the surviving spouse or a…


7 Point Legal Checklist for Same Sex Couples:  Critical Action Items To Review Now

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. and Jacqueline R. Bowden, Esq. For same-sex couples living in Florida, now is the time to take full advantage of rights long delayed to make sure that your spouse or partner is cared for come rain or shine.  Here is a checklist of some of…


What Is A Living Will (It is Not a Will)

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney A Living Will is not a will and it is not a living trust.  It is simply detailed, legally binding instructions to your physician that you do not want to be maintained in a persistent vegetative state if there is zero possibility of…


What Is A Living Trust- And What Are the Benefits?

Within the past 10 years, the Living Trust has replaced the Will as the best way to care for you and your loved ones because it can avoid the fees, cost, and stress of court intervention in the event of mental incapacity or death.  Properly funded, a living trust can…

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