
Florida Trust & Probate Attorneys Blog


Florida Legal Resources

I am pleased to announce a valuable new feature on our web site that I trust you will find helpful.   We want to share with you all the Florida local and state legal resources that we routinely use in our probate, corporate, guardianship, and estate planning practices. Resources is a…


Living Trusts Do Not Protect Your Assets; So What Does?

Now may be an excellent time to attack a common misunderstanding about living revocable trusts:   These trusts do not protect your assets if you are sued.   If you can be sued, your revocable trust can be sued. Some people believe that the living trust is like a “pink pill” solution: …


Watch Out for the Florida Stealth Tax: Documentary Stamps

Virtually all states are looking to increase tax revenues and Florida is no exception.  One area in which the state is becoming more aggressive is the collection of documentary stamp taxes. As outlined in Florida Statue §201.02, this stealth tax  must be considered in virtually all transfers of interests between or within Florida…


Florida Probate Attorney Fees

I.       Executive Summary Florida probate attorney fees depend on whether the proceeding is Summary Administration – usually the quickest and least expensive – or  Formal Administration.   Many factors will enter into the fees, including whether the probate is contested, is subject to estate and other taxes,  involves the sale of…


Moving to Florida: Tips On How To Avoid The Tax Traps

A common over-sight of persons moving to Florida is failing to take their trust.  They may have packed their trust and taken it with them, but the trust situs remains in their original state.  This is usually a mistake. The fact that a client has moved to Florida will not…


New Florida Durable Power of Attorney Law Makes Sweeping Changes

Introduction The Florida legislature recently enacted the “Florida Power of Attorney Act” (“FPOA”, Fla. Stat. §§709.2101-.2402), fundamentally overhauling existing law, and making sweeping new changes.   Even though the new law recognizes durable power of attorneys (“DPA’s) executed under the prior law, we are advising clients to update their DPA, if…


US Tax Traps and Possible Solutions for the Non-Resident or Resident Foreign National

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. and Gene C. Sulzberger, CFP®, J.D. In the United States there are multiple estate and gift tax traps if you are not a U.S. citizen or your spouse is not.  If you are a non-resident, or a resident with a Green Card and own property…



By  Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Probate Attorney Introduction The commencement of a Florida guardianship is typically used in two situations – either when a person may be incapacitated or when a minor receives assets in excess of $15,000.  If a guardianship is sought because someone may be incapacitated, then typically…

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