By: Jacqueline R. Bowden Gold Our office handles probate estates for many out of state residents through our Florida Counsel services. In handling the estates there are three common problems we see with Non-Florida Wills that can easily be avoided by consulting with a Miami Estate Planning attorney. If you…
Florida Trust & Probate Attorneys Blog
Strengthen Your Prenuptial Agreement With A Nevada Asset Protection Trust
By Phil Rarick All modern passenger jet planes have at least two engines. Similar reasoning applies to prenuptial agreements. Many will argue that a good prenuptial agreement should fly safely on its own without the need for a “second engine.” However, a second engine could be a Nevada Asset Protection…
Why Every Attorney Over Age 35 Should Consider an Asset Protection Trust – Now!
By Phil Rarick, Esq. May the odds be with you – but frankly they are not: A recent study indicated that the average lawyer can now expect three legal malpractice claims during his or her career. The overwhelming majority of legal malpractice claims — over 65% — are brought against…
Your Florida Single Member LLC Is A Fortress – A Sand Castle Fortress!
By Phil Rarick, Esq. The Message. Apparently the message has not got out: In 2011, the legislature threw Florida single member LLC’s under the bus. In a compromise with the bank lobbyists called the Olmstead Patch, multi-member Florida LLC’s (or limited liability companies) were given charging order protection, but…
8 Point “Porcupine” Asset Protection Strategy
May the odds be with you –but frankly they’re not. More than 60% of doctors over the age of 55 have been sued at least once, according to a new survey by the American Medical Association (AMA). Doctors are not the only professionals at risk. Virtually all small business owners…
Florida’s Sweeping Elective Share
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Probate Attorney Florida’s 30% elective share law was completely rewritten in 2001 because the old law could be easily circumvented by placing assets in a revocable trust or using non-probate transfers (e.g. life insurance, IRAs etc.) In an effort to curtail such tactics, the…
10 Point Checklist For Florida Corporate Entities
By: Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Lakes and Weston Estate Planning Attorney Note: This 10 Point Checklist is for those persons who have interests in one or more Florida corporate entities, such as a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or limited partnership (LP). 1. Annual Fees. In January the…
Does A Trust Need to Be Recorded, Filed or Registered in Florida?
Does A Trust Need to Be Recorded, Filed or Registered in Florida? One of the most common questions I get as a Weston estate planning attorney is, do I need to record my living trust? Some persons believe that a trust needs to be publicly recorded like a corporation or…
Exploring Immigration Options: The Best Visas for Investors, Executives & Skilled Workers by: Elizabeth Blandon, Board-Certified Immigration Attorney For investors, business executives and skilled workers, there are several excellent immigration programs available that can help you to live and work in the United States –in most cases you will also…
Four Problems With “Simple Wills” In Florida
By: Phil Rarick, Estate Planning Attorney Many persons are tempted to have a “Simple Will” in which they want everything they own at death to go outright first to their spouse, and if the spouse does not survive then to their children in equal shares. Rather than take the time…