Introduction Florida same-sex partners and same gender couples who were legally married in a state outside of Florida and have now moved to Florida should consider using a TBE (Tenants by Entireties) Delaware LLC to own Florida real estate or intangible property. Here is why. Strategy An important asset protection…
Articles Posted in Miami estate planning attorney
Asset Protection Checklist For The Florida Small Business Owner
Bad Advice You Hear All The Time
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Trust Attorney Quote: There are three things that are real – God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension. So we must do what we can with the third. – John F. Kennedy Here are five bad items of advice…
When Do You Need To File Notice Of Change Of Ownership Or Control (Form DR-430) For An Entity Owning Florida Real Estate?
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Trust Attorney Summary: The following Alert discusses the Florida real estate form DR-430 required to be filed upon the cumulative transfer or control of more than 50% of the legal entity that owned the property, or transfer of more than 50% of ownership interest.…
The “Son-In-law Problem”: Keeping Your Wealth Safe – And Out of Reach From Your Daughter’s Husband
By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney Let’s face it. If you have adult children, now married or considering marriage, you are a little concerned that your daughter’s husband could someday inherit your hard earned wealth. (Or maybe it’s your son’s wife.) So, how do you protect your property,…
Asset Protection In Florida, Part 3: The Asset Protection Ladder
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Asset Protection Attorney Click Here: Part 3: The Asset Protection Ladder Note: PowerPoint Presentation will appear in bottom task bar. Special Note The information on this blog is of a general nature and is not intended to answer any individual’s legal questions. Do not rely…
Asset Protection In Florida, Part 2: Tenancy By Entireties
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Asset Protection Attorney Click Here: Asset Protection in Florida – Part 2 – Tenancy By Entirety Note: PowerPoint Presentation will appear in bottom task bar. Also see our recent blog: Tenancy By Entireties In Florida: The Benefits – and 5 Traps Special Note The information…
Asset Protection In Florida, Part 1: Homestead and Other Protected Assets
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Asset Protection Attorney Click here: Part 1 – Homestead and Other Protected Assets Note: PowerPoint Presentation will appear in bottom task bar. Read More: Florida Homestead – 3 Tricky Issues To Watch Special Note The information on this blog is of a general nature and…
40%: The Big Tax Hit On Foreign Buyers
Real estate attorneys and professionals are without a doubt familiar with the FIRPTA withholding rules on U.S. property sales and rental income for foreign investors. The technical term for such investors is “non-resident alien”; this is an investor who does not hold a green card and meets other requirements. Taxes…
By: Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney The Family Limited Partnership, (the full legal name is family limited liability limited partnership (FLLLP) is designed to accomplish asset protection, tax and non-tax goals. First, it provides protection from claims of creditors for the partnership assets. Creditors of a partner can…