By Miami Probate Attorney Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. Florida’s elective share statute allows attorneys to draft standby Florida elective share trusts. (For a summary of Florida’s elective share see our post: Florida’s Sweeping Elective Share.) As of April 23, 2002, trusts that create property interests contingent upon an election being …
Articles Posted in miami trust lawyer
Asset Protection in Florida: Five Common Mistakes – Five Tested Solutions
By Miami Asset Protection Attorney Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. In our litigious society anyone can become a target of a plaintiff seeking to get a money judgment against you personally. In today’s real estate market, where it is usually impossible to negotiate with the lender, deficiency judgments are a major…
Federal Gift Tax Update: The Window May Close Soon
By Miami Trust Attorneys Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. and Jay R. Beskin, Esq. I. The Opportunity – And The Problem. The Opportunity: Gifts to family members and others are free of the U.S. gift tax if under the exemption. Specifically, U.S. Citizens in 2012 can give away assets worth $5,120,000…
Moving to Florida: Tips On How To Avoid The Tax Traps
A common over-sight of persons moving to Florida is failing to take their trust. They may have packed their trust and taken it with them, but the trust situs remains in their original state. This is usually a mistake. The fact that a client has moved to Florida will not…
New Florida Durable Power of Attorney Law Makes Sweeping Changes
Introduction The Florida legislature recently enacted the “Florida Power of Attorney Act” (“FPOA”, Fla. Stat. §§709.2101-.2402), fundamentally overhauling existing law, and making sweeping new changes. Even though the new law recognizes durable power of attorneys (“DPA’s) executed under the prior law, we are advising clients to update their DPA, if…
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Probate Attorney Introduction The commencement of a Florida guardianship is typically used in two situations – either when a person may be incapacitated or when a minor receives assets in excess of $15,000. If a guardianship is sought because someone may be incapacitated, then typically…
By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Probate Attorney Introduction Most states have streamlined probate procedures for smaller estates. Florida’s procedure is called Summary Administration and can be used to expedite administration of estates not exceeding $75,000 or when the decedent has been dead for more than two years. F.S. 735.201(2). It…
Olmstead Patch Bill Signed by Governor: Multi-Member Florida LLC’s Improved As Asset Protection Entity
By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Asset Protection Attorney Executive Summary: Last summer in the case of Olmstead V. F.T.C the Florida Supreme Court held that a charging order is not the exclusive remedy against a single member LLC and indicated that it may not be the exclusive remedy against…
By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney Executive Summary In addition to our sunshine, Florida has one of the best tax and asset protection climates of any state in the country. Florida has no state income tax, no fiduciary tax, no intangible tax, no estate tax, and arguably the most…
A Life Estate the Spouse Can’t Afford: Florida Homestead Trap Cured by New Law
By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney Who is Impacted by This Legislation, F.S. § 732.401? The surviving spouse of a decedent when the decedent owned homestead property which was not properly devised or cannot be devised is impacted by this legislation. However, all Florida probate attorneys need to know…