Articles Posted in Corporate

by: attorney Phillip B. Rarick

You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else. –   Winston Churchill.

Millions of small business owners and self-employed have filed for loans under the  Paycheck Protection Program because part or all of the loan can be forgiven if you retain your employees and maintain their salary levels.

By: Jacqueline R. Bowden Gold, Esq. and Phil Rarick, Esq.

The Coronavirus has left the US economy in a stand still. It has forced businesses to shut down and events to be cancelled or postponed across the nation – creating significant anxiety for small business owners. During these times, many businesses are unable to or fear they will become unable to fulfill their contractual obligations.

Here is a term you’ve probably heard before but never paid much attention to: Force Majeure. If you are unable to fulfill your contractual obligations or are worried that the obligor (the person who has a duty to perform) under an existing contract will not perform, Force Majeure is an important provision to look for in your contract.

By Phil Rarick & Jacqueline Bowden Gold, Estate & Business Law Attorneys

______#1.       Coronavirus Check Calculator.  Here is a simple, handy calculator describing who qualifies for the federal pandemic legislation checks and determines the amount of the check.  Click here:   Coronavirus Checks Calculator

When Will Checks Arrive?   Secretary Mnuchin said that direct deposits will start going out April 17 followed by checks in the mail.  It is not clear how long it will take the Treasury Department to get these checks out by mail – some experts caution it could take weeks or months.

By Phil Rarick & Jacqueline Bowden Gold, Miami Lakes and Weston Business Law Attorneys

First, I want to share with you this simple, handy calculator that appeared in the Washington Post describing who qualifies for the federal Pandemic legislation checks and determines the amount of the check.

Click here:   Coronavirus Checks Calculator

May the odds be with you –but frankly they’re not.    More than 60% of doctors over the age of 55 have been sued at least once, according to a new survey by the American Medical Association (AMA).  Doctors are not the only professionals at risk. Virtually all small business owners and professionals face multiple risks from the person injured at a party on  one of your properties, the “friend” who borrows your jet ski and hits a swimmer,  dissatisfied customers, disgruntled employees, and unhappy ex-partners.

It is a simple reality: We live in a hostile legal environment, and the chance you will not face costly litigation at some point in your career is not good. The good news is that you can fight back.  Here is a quick summary of our “Porcupine” Asset Protection Strategy with tested legal strategies that can help protect your investments and property.

  1. Make Your Assets As Unattractive as Possible to Attack with a Good Asset Protection Strategy

By: Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Lakes and Weston Estate Planning Attorney

Note: This 10 Point Checklist is for those persons who have interests in one or more Florida corporate entities, such as a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or limited partnership (LP).

1.     Annual Fees.   In January the State of Florida will send notices via email reminding you that annual fees for each corporate entity are due no later than May 1.   Do not wait to get an email notice from the state, as your fees are due regardless of whether you get a notice.   Remember:   The deadline to pay these fees is May 1 without penalty.

Big Question: Can your practice survive if you suddenly die or become incapacitated? 

Royal-Flush-florida-professional-association-post-300x215Recently, a highly respected physician suddenly died owning 100% of his practice in a Professional Association. No other person was listed on Florida’s as an officer.  Payroll was paid on a weekly basis.   Even though the Professional Association had been assigned to the doctor’s living trust, the bank (a large Florida bank) refused to give the successor trustee access to the Professional Association’s bank accounts citing F.S. 621.06, 621.09 and 621.11.

The statutes cited limit ownership of  a  P.A.  to a licensed professional.   We contend the Bank’s interpretation is overly narrow because no court has held that transfer of any interest to a living revocable trust is a transfer of beneficial interest. A living revocable trust is essentially the settlor.   Although we believe the bank’s interpretation of these statutes is wrong it is not worth fighting the bank.  The bank holds all the valuable cards:  the King, the Ace and of course all the money.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney

Although the main focus of our Florida Counsel Services is probate, trust,  and corporate law,  we can assist your office if you need deeds to a trust or other entity.

If you wish to use our deed services, click FLORIDA DEED INTAKE FORM.  Please complete this form with all relevant information and email it to

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