I am pleased to announce a valuable new feature on our web site that I trust you will find helpful.   We want to share with you all the Florida local and state legal resources that we routinely use in our probate, corporate, guardianship, and estate planning practices.

Resources is a virtual law library of  Florida and Federal law, as well as helpful local county data bases.   Here are some examples:

Now may be an excellent time to attack a common misunderstanding about living revocable trusts:   These trusts do not protect your assets if you are sued.   If you can be sued, your revocable trust can be sued.

Some people believe that the living trust is like a “pink pill” solution:  it solves everything.   While the living trust is a powerful legal instrument that virtually every person should have because, among other benefits, it minimizes or prevents the intervention of a court into your personal or financial affairs, it does not solve all legal problems.

Specifically, the living revocable trust is not an asset protection entity.   If you have any concern that you might be sued due to a foreclosure or some other matter, I would  advise you to schedule an asset protection consultation with this firm.  There are many options to consider.

Virtually all states are looking to increase tax revenues and Florida is no exception.  One area in which the state is becoming more aggressive is the collection of documentary stamp taxes.

As outlined in Florida Statue §201.02, this stealth tax  must be considered in virtually all transfers of interests between or within Florida corporate entities, and all transfers of real estate, including real property gifts between family members.  Evaluating this tax can be tricky!

Here are some examples:

I.       Executive Summary

Florida probate attorney fees depend on whether the proceeding is Summary Administration – usually the quickest and least expensive – or  Formal Administration.   Many factors will enter into the fees, including whether the probate is contested, is subject to estate and other taxes,  involves the sale of real estate, and requires advice regarding homestead.

It is now common for the decedent to have  both a will and revocable living trust.  Such cases may require probate of the will and administration of the trust.

Last year I reminded you of a corporate scam called Compliance Services.  This year I need to advise you that this company is still in business – and now there another highly questionable company to be on the alert.

First, if your client gets a letter that looks like an “official” letter from the state of Florida, or an email from a company called Compliance Services  (not to be confused with the Florida corporation, Compliance Services, Inc.) asking for a fee of $125 for corporate minutes  BEWARE.  Minutes are not required to be posted with the  Florida Secretary of State.  Rather, they should be prepared and filed in your client’s corporate book. This company is trying to masquerade as a Florida government agency and scam your client out of $125.  These messages should not be confused with notices from the Florida State Division of Corporations remindng each business entity to file its 2012 Annual Report.  Such messages were sent out via email by the Florida Division of Corporations in early January.

Second, while not a scam, there is a web site that can easily confuse your client and trick them into paying extra money for filing their annual report.   The “trick” site is sunbiz.com; the official web site for the state of Florida is www.sunbiz.org.  Avoid sunbiz.com.

The scheduled rates and exemptions are as follows

Year Top Gift & Estate Tax Rate Gift Tax Exemption Amount Estate Tax Exemption Amount GST Tax Rate GST Exemption Amount
2009 45% $1 million $3.5 million 45% $3.5 million
2010 0 estate tax / 35% gift tax $1 million N/A 0 N/A
2011 35% $5 million $5 million 35% $5 million
2012 35% $5 million $5 million 35% $5 million
2013 and beyond 55% $1 million $1 million 55% $1 million (inflation adjusted)

A common over-sight of persons moving to Florida is failing to take their trust.  They may have packed their trust and taken it with them, but the trust situs remains in their original state.  This is usually a mistake.

The fact that a client has moved to Florida will not generally mean that the law governing the trust has moved here as well even if the client is the settlor, beneficiary, or trustee of the original trust.  Clients moving to Florida are well advised to have all their trusts reviewed by a Florida attorney regarding such issues as:

  1. Transfer of governing law or place of administration


The Florida legislature recently enacted the “Florida Power of Attorney Act” (“FPOA”, Fla. Stat. §§709.2101-.2402), fundamentally overhauling existing law, and making sweeping new changes.   Even though the new law recognizes durable power of attorneys (“DPA’s) executed under the prior law, we are advising clients to update their DPA, if more than a year old, because the changes are so comprehensive.  For Florida licensed attorneys who receive our Alert, we are making available at cost our new “Super DPA’s” drafted to take advantage of the new law.

Effective Date: The effective date of the FPOA is October 1, 2011.   “Legacy” POA’s, or those signed before October 1, 2011, are not invalid, but the action of the agents or attorneys-in-fact under Legacy POA’s must be interpreted under the new law.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. and Gene C. Sulzberger, CFP®, J.D.

In the United States there are multiple estate and gift tax traps if you are not a U.S. citizen or your spouse is not.  If you are a non-resident, or a resident with a Green Card and own property in Florida or other parts of the United States, you need to know about these tax traps.  U.S. estate and gift taxes are very harsh for the non-resident who has not done the proper planning.

Scenario: A  non-resident, non-U.S. Citizen with no Green Card who purchases a $1.5 million house would trigger upon death in 2011 an estate tax of $495,000 and likely probate fees in Florida of at least $15,000.

By  Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Probate Attorney


The commencement of a Florida guardianship is typically used in two situations – either when a person may be incapacitated or when a minor receives assets in excess of $15,000.  If a guardianship is sought because someone may be incapacitated, then typically the court sets two hearings.  At the first hearing the court determines whether the person is incapacitated; at the second, the court appoints a guardian if the person is determined to be incapacitated.  Often, these hearings are combined.  The court has the option of appointing a limited or a plenary guardian.

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