By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Probate Attorney


Most states have streamlined probate procedures for smaller estates.  Florida’s procedure is called Summary Administration and can be used to expedite administration of estates not exceeding $75,000 or when the decedent has been dead for more than two years.  F.S. 735.201(2).  It avoids the appointment of a Personal Representative (or “Executor” in other states).  Summary Administration should always be considered for small estates; however, as discussed below, it may not always be the most practical option.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Asset Protection Attorney

Executive Summary:

Last summer in the case of Olmstead V. F.T.C the Florida Supreme Court held that a charging order is not the exclusive remedy against a single member LLC and indicated that it may not be the exclusive remedy against a multi-member LLC.   2010 WL 2518106 (Fla. June 24, 2010.)  This case revealed a major flaw in Florida law for LLC’s: it showed that a Florida LLC could be attacked more easily since the creditor of a single member LLC was not limited to a charging order against a LLC member, but rather could step into the shoes of the member. The new legislation, HB 253, signed by the Governor on May 31, makes clear that a charging order is the exclusive remedy against a multi-member and single member LLC.  However, for a single member LLC, the new law provides a significant  exception that creditors may be able to utilize to penetrate the LLC, rendering single member LLC’s still vulnerable.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq.,  Miami Probate Attorney

Executive Summary

Probate is the legal process for transferring assets owned by decedent according to the decedent’s will or Florida intestate law to his or her beneficiaries after all legitimate creditors of the estate have been paid.  The Personal Representative (in other states this role is called the “Executor”) is the person appointed by a will to follow the instructions of the will and administer the estate in strict compliance with Florida law.  If there is no will, the Personal Representative is the person authorized to administer the estate under Florida law.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney

Time for a Spring Check-Up for your Florida corporate entities. This note is our annual reminder to review your Florida corporations, LLC’s (limited liability companies), or partnerships. Here is our 7 Point Checklist:

1.    Annual Minutes Up-to-date?

If you get a letter or an email from a company called COMPLIANCE SERVICES  (not to be confused with the Florida corporation, Compliance Services, Inc.) asking for a fee of $125 for corporate minutes  BEWARE.  Minutes are not required to be posted with the  Florida Secretary of State.  Rather, they should be prepared and filed in your corporate book.

This company is trying to masquerade as a state government entity and scam you out of $125.  These messages should not be confused with notices from the Florida State Division of Corporations reminding each business entity to file its 2011 Annual Report.

On December 17, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, simply known as the “2010 Tax Relief Act” (TRA 2010).  TRA 2010 includes significant changes for estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax relief in 2011 and 2012, as well as estate and GST tax changes which apply for 2010.

For decedents dying in 2010, TRA 2010 provides for a default tax rule which leaves an estate and GST tax with a maximum rate of 35% and an applicable exclusion amount of $5 million.  Although this is the default rule, the personal representative or executor of an estate can elect out and be treated as if TRA 2010 had not been enacted.  Unfortunately, this results in a cost of retaining carryover basis for the transferred assets, and the need to file an election by the personal representative or executor. Therefore, for 2010, estates have two choices: (1) they can pay no estate tax, which leaves the heirs with a carryover basis for inherited assets that have appreciated by more than $1.3 million (plus $3 million for assets going to a surviving spouse) or (2) heirs can claim a stepped-up basis on the inherited assets if the estate pays estate tax at 35% on assets over $5 million.

For decedents dying in 2011 or 2012, TRA 2010 reduces the maximum estate and GST tax rate to 35% (same for gift taxes) and increases the applicable exclusion amount for estate and GST taxes to $5 million. It is important to know that the TRA 2010 has a “portability” provision, which allows the surviving spouse to use his or her deceased spouse’s unused exclusion amount, in addition to the surviving spouse’s own exclusion amount, for lifetime gifts or for transfers at death.

Good news for taxpayers!  The new tax bill was signed into law today.   This law will extend for two additional years the Bush-era tax rates, including the 15 percent long-term capital gains and qualified dividends rate.  It will provide substantial estate tax relief:  the law will reintroduce the federal estate tax with higher exemption amounts, $5 million per person, $10 million per couple,  and lower rates (35% maximum vs. 45% in past years), among other noteworthy provisions. The bill was approved by the House of Representatives late last night; it was signed by President Obama this afternoon.

Please contact estate planning attorney Phil Rarick at (305) 556-5209 to  discuss the potential impact of the bill on you, your family and your business.   This bill may open up important planning opportunities for you.

It “appears” the President will agree to a future estate tax with a $5 million exemption and a 35% tax rate,  although he is getting tremendous resistance from his own party. We need to wait and see how this shakes out.  Regardless of your political affiliation, note that this agreed exemption and rate are only for two years.

As usual, Congress and the President are waiting until the last minute to compromise.

It they don’t, most people are in for a big tax hike.   For example, without an agreement,  the estate tax exemption is scheduled to reset with a $1 million exemption and a 55% maximum tax rate on January 1, 2011.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney

Executive Summary

In addition to our sunshine, Florida has one of the best tax and asset protection climates of any state in the country.  Florida has no state income tax, no fiduciary tax, no intangible tax, no estate tax, and arguably the most generous homestead laws anywhere in the U.S.A: you can have a multi-million dollar home and this residence will be virtually untouchable by creditors. However, moving to Florida without proper planning does have risks. This Report discusses the risks and explains how to clearly establish Florida domicile.

______ #1.      Trust Funding. After we signed your trust, we reviewed the funding of your trust and I gave you detailed Funding Notes.  Have you followed up on these instructions?   Funding is simply the transfer of your assets into your trust.    It is a good idea to annually review the funding of your trust. It is also advisable to annually sign a new assignment of assets into your trust, that will help sweep into the trust assets acquired to date.

______#2.       Successor Trustee. This is the person you have appointed to step into your legal shoes if you become incapacitated – in other words, one of the most important decisions you can make. Who have you appointed to take charge if you are incapacitated? What is the order of succession of trustees who will take over management of your financial affairs if you are unable to do so?    If you have any question whatsoever about your order of succession, please call the office.

______#3.       Transitions. Has there been a marriage, divorce, or separation of anyone named in your will or trust?    Has there been a birth or adoption of a child or grandchild?  If so, your estate plan may need to be amended.

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