Who is Impacted by this Decision:
Anyone with ownership interest in a single member Florida limited liability company (LLC).
Executive Summary:
Who is Impacted by this Decision:
Anyone with ownership interest in a single member Florida limited liability company (LLC).
Executive Summary:
By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney
Who is Impacted by This Legislation, F.S. § 732.401?
The surviving spouse of a decedent when the decedent owned homestead property which was not properly devised or cannot be devised is impacted by this legislation. However, all Florida probate attorneys need to know the implications of the legislation as the new law requires an analysis of whether the surviving spouse should file an “Election of Surviving Spouse to Take a One-Half Interest of Decedent’s Interest in Homestead Property.” F.S. §732.401(2)(e). Such an election must be filed within 6 months of the decedent’s death. All Florida estate planning attorneys are impacted as such homestead election powers should be standard language in most durable powers of attorney and inter vivos trusts.