Articles Posted in miami trust attorney

Seven Point Year End Checklist
Rarick & Bowden Gold

By Phil Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney Hard to believe we are in mid-Fall and 2016 is coming to a close. Now may be a good time to sit down with a Miami trust attorney and review your estate plan. One of the biggest problems we see with individual estate plans is failure to keep the…

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FBAR Filing Deadline is June 30; Summary of Reporting Requirements for Off-Shore Assets
Rarick & Bowden Gold

By Phil Rarick, Weston Estate Planning Attorney This report is a reminder that the FBAR or Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Account is due June 30. The FBAR is required for U.S. persons having a financial interest or signature authority over one or more foreign financial accounts, including a bank account, brokerage account, mutual…

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When Can A Non-Resident Of Florida Serve As The Personal Representative For A Probate Estate?
Rarick & Bowden Gold

By Phillip B. Rarick, J.D, Miami Probate Attorney Note: Special thanks to Illinois attorney John E. Fish for the following question, which is one of the most frequent questions we receive. Executive Summary: A non-resident of Florida can serve as Personal Representative for a Florida probate estate only if related by lineal blood or legal…

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Is Your Living Trust Up To Date?  10 Point Checklist For Amending Your Revocable Trust
Rarick & Bowden Gold

Note: Your revocable living trust is designed to be as dynamic as your family. It serves as the master set of instructions to care for you and your family. Therefore, when there are big changes in your family, you may need an experienced Miami trust attorney to amend your revocable trust. ______#1. Marriage/Divorce. Has there…

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5 Key Rights of a Florida Trust Beneficiary
Rarick & Bowden Gold

Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Trust Attorney Florida law requires that a trust must keep the qualified beneficiaries of a trust “reasonably informed of the trust and its administration.” F.S. 736.0813. A “qualified beneficiary” is a current beneficiary, intermediate beneficiary, or first-line remainder beneficiary. F.S. 736.0103(16). These information rights fall into two broad categories for…

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Florida Successor Trustee Checklist
Rarick & Bowden Gold

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney You are named the successor trustee and the trustmaker has just died. No doubt these are difficult times, but thankfully there are many resources to help. The following is a checklist of initial important tasks to help guide you after the funeral or memorial service. Note: You are…

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Florida Probate or Trust Administration Document Checklist
Rarick & Bowden Gold

____ 1. Minimum of 10 death certificates (these can usually be obtained through the funeral home) ____ 2. Original Will and all codicils (or amendments to the Will) Note: If you have the original, either personally deliver to the attorney’s office or send via Federal Express or certified mail. ____ 3. Originals of all trusts…

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10 Important Legal Rights for “Qualified Beneficiaries” under a Florida Trust
Rarick & Bowden Gold

Know your rights. If you are a qualified beneficiary of a Florida trust you have important legal rights protected by Florida law. The trustee of an irrevocable trust in Florida is a fiduciary with numerous responsibilities that run like a laser beam to the qualified beneficiaries. See our 12 Point Summary of Florida Trustee Duties.…

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Securing Payment of Child Support with a Children’s Safe Harbor Trust
Rarick & Bowden Gold

By: Phillip B. Rarick, Esq. Most divorce judgments call for one of the parties to obtain a life insurance policy for securing the payment of child support, alimony or some other financial obligation. Let’s assume the obligation is solely child support: a potential mistake is failure to secure payment of the policy premiums by use…

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Florida Trust Services For Family Law Attorneys
Rarick & Bowden Gold

By Phil Rarick, Esq., Miami Trust Attorney Family law attorneys are increasingly using trusts to secure and safeguard the payment of financial obligations in their marital settlement agreements. Such trusts can provide the following key benefits: Security that payments will be made in a timely fashion Assurance that the monies will be spent exactly as…

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