Articles Tagged with miami trust lawyer

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney

On occasion, I am invited to speak to small business groups regarding tips on how best to protect your business and investments from rogue lawsuits – or any lawsuit. 

Those who have heard my presentation know about the basketball that I bring to each presentation.  I coached youth basketball for many years,  and one of the first points we drilled was protecting the “rock” or the ball.   To win games, you better first protect the rock. 

Real estate attorneys and professionals are without a doubt familiar with the FIRPTA withholding rules on U.S. property sales and rental income for foreign investors.   The technical term for such investors is “non-resident alien”; this is an investor who does not hold a green card and meets other requirements.

Taxes that are often over-looked before a foreign investor purchases property in the United States are the Federal estate and gift taxes on foreign investment.  While welcoming foreign investment, the U.S. nevertheless imposes a high estate and gift tax on the portion of the foreign individual’s gross estate – those assets controlled by the taxpayer and situated in the U.S. – that exceed $60,000.   (For U.S. citizens this exemption is now $5.25 million.)

The tax rate is 40% for all assets in the gross estate over $60,000.

By: Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Probate Attorney

Executive Summary

Failure to obtain court approval under Florida guardianship law of a pre-suit structured settlement exceeding $15,000 on behalf of a Florida minor child could result in the settlement being disaffirmed by the minor on reaching majority or within a reasonable time thereafter. See F.S. 744.387(3)(a)

By Phillip B. Rarick Esq., Miami Probate Attorney

The following documents are usually needed to open a testate Florida ancillary probate:

Court-authenticated copy of:

 By: Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney

The Family Limited Partnership, (the full legal name is family limited liability limited partnership (FLLLP) is designed to accomplish asset protection,  tax and non-tax goals.

First, it provides protection from claims of creditors for the partnership assets. Creditors of a partner can only obtain a charging order entitling them to a share of partnership distributions. They cannot become partners and cannot participate in the management of the partnership, unless the other partners elect them to partnership.

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Asset Protection Attorney

An increasingly popular off-shore asset protection jurisdiction is Nevis Island.  Nevis has enacted modern, strong trust and limited liability company (LLC ) laws exceptionally difficult to penetrate by any creditor.

For example, to attack an interest in a Nevis Island LLC, a Florida creditor has to go to a Nevis court to get a charging lien.  It is unclear whether a Nevis Court would even recognize a Florida judgment:  Officials in Nevis have told one commentator they know of no instance where a U.S. creditor has obtained a charging lien in Nevis to enforce a U.S. judgment.

By: Ruzy Behnejad

Executive Summary

In recent years, because of an increase in estate tax exemption amounts,  the legal field of estate planning has seen a significant trend towards the drafting of irrevocable Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (“SLAT”). These trusts are designed to preserve and pass on family wealth to younger family members, while also maintaining the power to “undo” the gift by allowing the spouse to force distributions of the trusts assets to the spouse. The SLAT can also have significant advantages with respect to asset protection. The SLAT provides a powerful shield protecting family assets from the grantor’s  creditors or creditors of any family member.

By: Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Probate Attorney

Note:  This is a first in a series of short reports on the subject of avoiding elder abuse scams – a subject of considerable importance in south Florida. However, these reports are for persons of all ages.   

Example From Real Life:  An attorney I know exceptionally well was scammed for a $3,000  deposit by a roofer after Hurricane Andrew a number of years ago.  The roofer  claimed to be working under his bosses’ license.   Name of this attorney? See the author’s name above!

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Probate Attorney 

Note:   This is a short list of  initial tasks for a person who may be appointed the Personal Representative (or Executor) of an estate under a Florida will, or if there is no will, in an intestate estate.  This is not a complete list of the Personal Representative’s tasks.     For questions call an attorney at Rarick & Bowden Gold, P.A. at  (305) 556-5209 or email to


By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Trust Attorney

Executive Summary

A Domestic Asset Protection Trust or DAPT is an exceptionally strong structure for protecting family assets.  However, a Hybrid DAPT, developed by Nevada attorney Steve Oshins,  can add another layer of protection that will make the DAPT even more imposing and difficult to attack by a creditor.   

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